Fake Christians abound: knowing what they are is a game changer.
Sometimes, as Christians, we see people professing to be Christians that turn out to be a detriment to the faith. Can we know who they are in advance of disaster?
People today are an interesting lot.
Sometimes, as Christians, we can only stand by, astounded, at some of the actions and activities attributed to those we have watched ‘promoting themselves’ as Christians — sometimes for decades.
We’ve seen them preach from pulpits, author books and associate themselves with ‘celebrities’ of every stripe and kind. They offer insights and opinions on everything from abortion to marriage and every sin imaginable.
When they decide to ‘walk away’ from faith, they — almost invariably — reveal that they were ‘disillusioned’ or ‘disappointed’ or, in one way or another, ultimately ‘failed’ by their belief system. Often, they make it seem as though God somehow let them down. Rarely, if ever, do they point the finger at themselves and consider that they failed in their faith.
This video addresses the issues raised by ‘fake Christians’ in our midst and assists in the process of identifying them as well as handling the fallout from having them in our lives.