When You Call… He Will Answer
It’s so easy to fall into the way of the world: Self love, Self promotion, Self aggrandizement, Self obsession: but we are all destined to disappear from this world. Self is not the answer. Christ is the answer.
Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you… Share your food with the hungry and give shelter to the homeless. Give clothes to those who need them… Then when you call, the Lord will answer. “Yes, I am here,” He will reply.
Isaiah 58:6-7, 9
The Following is an excerpt from the Abundant Life Day Book by Nancy Guthrie.
“I love you too much to let you settle for some sense of false religiosity. So I am calling you to authentic spirituality. Here is how you live out real faith before me: you get your eyes off yourself, your concerns, your struggles, your needs and you throw yourself into meeting the needs of others.
As you become the answer to someone else’s prayers, you will look up and discover that I am answering your prayers. As you give yourself away, you will discover that you have been blessed with more than you could ever ask for. We’ll have the real relationship you long for, and when you call to me, you will find me available and quickly responsive.”
Prayer: Lord, I don’t want to waste my life caught up in my own concerns. I want to give my life away as your representative in this hurting world.