Until We Leave This Plane
We are admonished in Scripture to be ‘Salt and Light’ to a lost and dying world. Where do we begin?
As society falls further into the abyss we know as ‘liberalism’ [not, actually, an appropriate term for the leftist ideology of today’s ‘problem children’], we are watching issues play out in the public forum that can only be described as ungodly.
In these trying times, many people find that they cannot support — financially, at least — the battles we see spilling out over humanity throughout the globe. We are called, though, to assist where we can however we can. For this reason, volunteers are desperately needed throughout Christiandom and some amazing opportunities exist that can provide a source of peace and even tranquility in the face of the disastrous actions and activities we see playing out daily throughout the world.
Some Christian organizations have stepped up to provide a means of providing support to Christians that have gotten ‘caught up’ in the fray surrounding a few of the ‘hot button’ issues facing society today.
One of these issues is abortion.
Instead of just financially supporting organizations, we suggest learning more and perhaps even volunteering your time to those that seem to touch your heart.
For additional insight, one prayer we have found to be immensely successful is quite simple: It is this:
“Let my heart be broken by those things that break the heart of God.”
Besides the issue of abortion, here’s a brief rundown of some of the areas in which volunteers are desperately needed.
1. Animal Welfare
2. Establishing Christian Animal Sanctuaries
3. Safe Houses
4. Support services for people who have been incarcerated.
5. Elder Services
6. Hospice Care
7. Serving as Companions to People with specific areas of need
8. Support Services to Military Personnel
9. Writing & Photography – thoughtful, faith-centered ‘Curriculum’ for Christian programs
10. Sharing Training Methods and Videos
11. Hosting Christian Events
12. Advocacy
13. Missions throughout the USA and worldwide
14. Disaster Relief
15. Assistance for families in need
16. Fighting Christian Persecution of Believers
17. Collecting and Disbursing Bibles throughout this nation and the world
18. Orphanages: Yes, still.
19. Defend the Right to Bible Studies for Students and Beyond
20. Suicide Prevention
The list is extensive. We will provide additional resources upon request.
Check out the ACLJ for up to the moment reporting with options for assisting other Christians in battling back against the ‘machine’ that is abortion funding throughout the world.