So… Is the World Ending?
The world isn’t what you were taught, what you were told or what you had hoped. Once you realize this — and some mourn the loss of the dream — you’re now set on a path of discovery and adventure.
How are you to survive? Why are you here and what are you to do with your remaining time on this plane?
For the time being, you esentially have to search out what is happening so that you might ascertain what’s about to happen next. Mysteries abound. The Internet is rife with clues — but these only make sense in the context of Scripture, along with the discernment offered via the Holy Spirit.
Exciting times, for sure.
When you think about this ‘dilemma’ you always knew this place we’re currently experiencing isn’t our home — and we’re going to be leaving in a relatively short period of time.
How many times have you heard the words ‘Time is an Illusion’?
Well, it actually is an illusion. You’re born into this world and, even with proper parenting, you are still limited to a very short-sighted view of the world, for what is essentially a very short period of time.
Those living the ‘human experience’ are forced to cram far too much into far to little in terms of time and space — and when you’re on your own there are simply too many things with too much potential to ‘go wrong’ to avoid or avert every catastrophe conceivable in this ‘fallen world’ of ours.
For those who insist on seeing the world as a ‘buffet of opportunity’ let me provide just a minor dose of reality to temper the enthusiasm and exuberance of youth — just to broach the subject of living from a broader perspective.
There is, essentially, a life drawn into quarters and a ‘life path’ to go with each.
The first twenty years or so of life are typically dedicated to growth and learning. During this period, we’re mystified by life and often don’t realize the dangers that surround us. Those that suffer loss typically wind up crashing back to earth — if they’re fortunate enough to survive. Some don’t. Many more are devastated by the losses.
Perhaps this isn’t a playground after all?
Some spend up to half of the next quarter completing an education so they can find, master and enjoy a profession. It’s typically also the time of life when most focus on finding a mate and having children — but, too often, career paths dictate the number of hours in a day that one can spend with said mate or the resulting children and, subsequently, people are almost programmed to fail in one capacity or the other.
While both are wonderful, they compete for one’s attention and, in the end, it’s quite likely there will have to be a winner and a loser as well.
The forties to the sixties are a turning point. You realize you’re not immortal — that there’s a timeline to this ‘life’ and it’s likely going to be far shorter than you thought. Nonetheless, one ‘goes through the motions’ as we see others doing — but we also see others dying prematurely, having a lot of trouble with the children they didn’t spend enough time raising correctly, managing the credit or the real estate or the possessions or the career you’re worked so hard to establish, etc. etc. etc.
There are, of course, only so many hours in a day,
In other words, life just isn’t the ‘bowl of cherries’ you’d hoped — and you’re beginning to realize there’s going to be far less of it than you’d ever dreamed.
This scenario is actually one of the better ones. This doesn’t address the horrific challenges of losing a parent, a child or a mate prematurely. It doesn’t address single parenting or having children with a debilitating diagnosis that will plague them throughout their lives or consider how much of your life will be dedicated to navigating these unforeseen waters.
No one plans to have a teen who falls into drugs or a child who’s given a cancer diagnosis. How many families have had their world decimated by Autism or any one of dozens more pitfalls in which a family can find themselves immersed?
We don’t see ourselves as a statistic until something happens that changes our perspective… but then no one does.
Finally, we hit the 60’s to 80’s mark. Here you begin to realize that although your heart and mind may feel 20 — and, often, they do — the person in the mirror is aged, elderly and there to remind us we’re not long for this world.
Anyone that’s ever looked at a child with Progeria has to recognize that the aging process is simply a program — our bodies are designed to age and, ultimately, to fail.
For those of us who seek God, this isn’t that large of a surprise — or that large of a problem. It’s expected, at least, since we’re introduced to death early in life and it’s quite obvious our time (to die) will eventually come.
We actually have far better places to be and far more interesting things to be doing than fighting for survival on planet Earth — especially with the way things are going here.
Crime is rampant, the technology available is being used to conceal and destroy everything instead of building anything constructive, everything was stolen decades if not centuries ago and we have no real autonomy — but these revelations are not that surprising given the fact that this is not our home and we’re not staying here.
So, whereas the ‘good’ news?
Like the ‘upscale’ hotel that’s turned out to be not the vacation we’d envisioned, we’re going to be checking out soon and headed for our dream destination, far from the ravages of this world.
”Eye hath not seen nor ear heard the wondrous things that awaits us in heaven,” Scripture tells us. How wonderful it promises life will be just beyond our view. Thankfully, we don’t have long to wait,
The evil in this world seems to be in control at this point but know this: they do not now nor have they ever had control over the children of the Lord.
We who know Christ as Savior are not to live in fear nor are we to feel defeated — our lives belong to God and we were created for a purpose that will, ultimately, be fulfilled no matter what Satan might do in an attempt to prevent it.
We are beyond his grasp.
The way we’re raised to believe — the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us — is limited in its nature and scope by the Lord Himself — and nothing on earth can change that.
In the same way, we are His — bought with a price and owned — heart, mind, body and soul by our creator and redeemed by the sacrifice of His son so that we might stand before God, whole and renewed by the blood of the Lamb, His only son, our Lord,
Nothing in this world can hold a candle to this — the gift of eternal life and salvation.
And you are never beyond his reach.
The world is ending? Let it end. It was never to be our destination and can never compare to that grand and glorious place that awaits our arrival.
Go with GOD. We’ll be home soon.
He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me: and he that loveth me shall be loved of my Father, and I will love him, and will manifest myself to him. — John 14:21