Rapture Dreams & Visions
We are not to know when the rapture is intended to occur. Scripture specifically admonishes us to watch and know that the time is growing short when the things Scripture outlines are coming to pass, in full view of everyone.
The signs are present. People throughout the world are getting the message — studying to show themselves approved unto God. None of us are in a position to affect anything on this planet — with the single exception of prayer. Everything else is for God and God alone to accomplish.
In preparation for what’s to come, it’s important for people to recognize that they are not suitable for salvation without the transformation of the Lord that brings about that salvation.
The lies of the world have held people captive long enough. The church — were it real — would be awakened and warning people: Time is running out.
We are blessed to have the tools at hand that we have. Bibles are widely available, the Internet has a great deal of Christian content — be selective in assessing the materials to make sure they coincide 100% with Scripture.
Spend time in the word. Ask the Lord for Guidance. Expect answers.
Receiving discernment throughout the dream.Those left behind are those that do not acknowledge the blood of Jesus 00 the salvation that is of the Lord.