Study to Show Yourself Approved Unto God
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. KJV
2 Timothy 2:15
There is simply no substitute for sitting down with the Bible and making it your own.
That said, there are so many things competing for the time and attention of us all that we often ‘back burner’ the study of Scripture in the hope [or expectation] that we will ultimately somehow [magically?] find the time we need to familiarize ourselves with the material therein and ‘get where we need to be’ with the Lord,
Uh huh. We sound like some teenager explaining away his/her failure to do the necessary homework to make whatever grade might be necessary for them to get back to the things that matter to them in life.
But just as a writer might use a ‘prompt’ to begin the arduous task of writing a lengthy investigative piece or even a book, ‘prompts’ can be useful in getting into ‘study mode’ with the Bible — perhaps with a ‘once and for all’ sort of twist.
Especially now. Especially in this day and time. And especially for the reasons all about us. Especially for Him.