End Times: What to do during this period of unrest?
The triumphing of the disked is short, and the joy of a hypocrite but for a moment. Job 20:5
As in the days of Noah… these uncertain times — prophesied and perfectly described — are certainly upon us. What can believers do to prepare for whatever lay ahead?
Studying the Bible is easier today than ever before. There are competent people that teach Scripture — without requiring payment, active participation or even registry with their organization. One of the best teachers of our time is Charles Stanley of INTOUCH.ORG. Clicking that link will take you to Bible study 24/7 without commercials, demands for funds or even musical interludes. It’s an excellent site and completely free to use.
Find something to do with whatever spare time you have that will have spiritual significance to you. This might be volunteering to assist an organization in their work, caring for others — animals or people — serving in whatever capacity might best fit your skillset.
Do remember that this time is not permanent: in fact, it’s quite temporary. Satan’s stranglehold on this world will not last. Your life is not tied to this plane in any tangible way — you are far more than the physical body you currently inhabit.
We are specifically admonished not to fear those that cannot cost you your eternal soul but recognize them for the insignificant beings they are. One day, they, too, shall bow before the Most High God Almighty and they will regret their part in the nightmare scenario they assisted in creating for Earth and its inhabitants.
There are many tools available to us online. Here are a few of the very best:
To study Scripture, in context and with options for studying parallel translations to the King James Version as well as to have additional tools such as Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance [a topical encyclopedia of Scripture] –check out BibleGateway.Com.
For true-to-Scripture Bible studies 24/7, check out Charles Stanley at InTouch.Org and enjoy the fantastic opportunity to do devotions, Bible Studies, excellent sermons and topical options that address virtually ALL aspects of life on earth. Best of all: it’s completely free to everyone and is also available in Spanish.
We recommend Charles Stanley because he’s an excellent teacher whose devotion to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is obvious. His teachings are accurate and true to Scripture he does not force listeners to sign up for anything [much less to pay for the use of the InTouch.Org site] so privacy is assured.
Another dedicated Christian teacher is C. S. Lewis. If you’re interested in participating in a formal Bible study online, be sure to check out HILLSDALE COLLEGE and the C. S. Lewis online course. The lectures are very good and provide a wonderful premise for understanding the intricate teachings of Lewis in comprehensive ways. Check them out at HILLSDALE COLLEGE.EDU or simply click here.