Decodes: What’s In There?
For decades now, people have attempted — with a modicum of success — to determine whether or not we live in a ‘coded’ world that could, essentially, be ‘decoded’ to establish our true position in the universe.
Scripture, without a doubt, describes in great detail the meaning behind specific events and even the parables are a type of ‘coded’ communiques that clearly show a shifting perspective — limited according to our understanding and our life experiences but, perhaps most importantly, our relationship with God.
Along these same lines, some online content providers have established a virtual career studying how current events and media — primarily television and movies — often converge to reveal specific aspects of our world and reality.
As difficult as it might be for the more ‘practical’ among us to grasp, some of these individuals do make a viable case for believing that many events in today’s world ‘overlap’ the fictional versions presented in media over these last two — or so — decades.
Posted here for your convenience, are two of these individuals, Casey Brown and Trey Smith, who have been studying prophecy, media and current events for many years, documenting their findings on a frequent basis and providing enough convincing evidence to bring about a shift in the worldview of their online followers. The point? That such study can and does a glimpse into the truth about past events and, thus, a better understanding of the future and the events to come.